Experiencing Stellenbosch

January 25, 2012 Today we began the International Student’s Orientation. It was a long morning, followed by an exhausting tour of campus, and then navigating the food court in the Neelsie for the first time. To our relief, the food was extremely affordable. I then got a delicious iced coffee…

The First Day

January 24, 2012 My first day has finally finished. After a scary drive from Cape Town to Stellenbosch late last night (the highways don’t have lights and the roads curve through the bush), I unpacked all of my items in about two hours; quickly finding out that the transformer I…

Almost there…

January 23, 2012 I write this while sitting in the Amsterdam airport, after an extremely short six-hour flight from Boston. Having spent the past five weeks living out of my suitcase at home in Seattle, in Thailand, and then at home once again, I am looking forward to setting down…